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Ecological Exploration

Fiddler crab

Fiddler crab(A. lactea)

Crustacea | Ocypodidae
Austruca lactea


The milky fiddler crab is milky white from the back to the chelae and red or white on its ventral side depending on the season or tidal region. Although these crabs are small, with a carapace width of only 1-2 cm, they are large in number. When you see little white dots on the mudflat, they are most likely milky fiddler crabs. Male milky fiddler crabs build half-moon protrusions, called “hoods”, on their burrows depending on the tidal cycle. The function of the hoods is unclear, but they may be associated with attracting females.


The milky fiddler crab is widely distributed on the mudflats at Gaomei Wetlands.


  • (圖書) 李榮祥,台灣賞蟹情報,台北,2008。
  • (圖書) 林惠真,高美濕地生物資源,台中,1998。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、宋文汀、蘇珊慧,台中縣海岸溼地生態教室,台中,2003。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、曾于芳,話說高美,台中,2014年。
  • (圖書) 林惠真,走入海岸線,台北,2015。